最新!💥 獲取ProPicks查看哪些策略擊敗標普500指數1,183% 領取40%折扣優惠


發布 2018-4-24 上午10:03
更新 2023-7-9 下午06:32

Technical graphics:
MACD from the highs draws close to the zero axis in the 1 hour chart, RSI value is 56 and the K line gradually approaches the top of the rising cloud of the one-head equilibrium table and bonds with the one-balance table express/slow line. The rising cloud is thin at the same time. The signs all indicate that the recent upward trend is exhausting, but the K-line is still hovering above the rising cloud and does not move down into the cloud area. Therefore, it is still a bullish pattern.
In the 4-hour chart above the zero axis of the MACD, the RSI value is 62, which is a pattern that is relatively high. After confirming that the K line has broken through the mid-term downtrend line in the middle of last week, the K line is consolidating around the 38.2% Fibonacci and 200-period lines, and the 10/20/50 cycle line has begun to show a long position.
Under the MACD zero axis of the daily chart, the RSI value is 50, and the pattern is neutral to bearish. Although the K line is four consecutive positives but no change, the daily status of the 10/20/50/100/200 line is short. The present K line is in an oblique position. In the long-term decline of the moderate, the long-term is still bearish.
Mean chart: Red 10 cycle line, yellow 20 cycle line / Boolean rail, light blue 50 cycle line, dark blue 100 cycle line, purple 200 cycle line
price: 0.8759 / time: 2018-04-23 23:05
trading strategy: Longer, if the price falls below 0.8670 (medium-term downtrend line support, 14.6% Fibonacci), it indicates a short-term trend.
Fibonacci High and Low Limits: 2018-03-07 Highs to 2018-04-17 Lows
First Stops: 0.8734 (2018-04-20 Lows)
Second Stops: 0.8702 (23.6% Fibonacci )
third stop bit: 0.8670 (mid-line support decline, 14.6% Fibonacci bit)
first goal: 0.8794 (50% Fibonacci bits)
second target position: 0.8834 (61.8% Fibonacci bit)
of the third Target bit: 0.8885 (76.4% Fibonad bit)

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