最新!💥 獲取ProPicks查看哪些策略擊敗標普500指數1,183% 領取40%折扣優惠


發布 2016-5-17 下午04:58

慢,慢 - 快 - 慢,慢...
Slow, slow – quick – slow, slow…
It was no surprise to see limited losses in the Dollar yesterday. For the most part, prices tended to battle with the 4-hour Price Equilibrium Clouds throughout the pairs I cover with the exception of USDCHF that – almost miraculously – managed to maintain the Dollar upside even if it was a painfully slow process. The barrier, formed by the 4-hour Clouds, should hold for the first half of the day but I suspect by the second half there should be a retest of the Clouds and that’s when we need to observe whether breaks are seen.
As things stand as they are, all the pairs appear to be developing quite well. Once we have gotten past yesterday’s limits the follow-through should be quite healthy although, given the Brexit referendum, there will be a general slowness to the development rather similar to the past 1-2 months. It seems, most likely, that it will be the 23rd June vote that will trigger the next trend – but that’s hardly a surprise…
This leaves us playing with USDJPY. I have been a little frustrated with this pair. It does seem to still have some upside risk but should be limited and therefore will be subject to a move lower that should keep EURJPY held in a corrective phase for the rest of the week. Therefore, much focus needs to be applied to USDJPY as we move into the weekend.
Finally, the Aussie recovered perfectly – from just 2 points above my downside target. This pair was also restricted by its 4-hour Price Equilibrium Cloud and has drifted back from yesterday’s high. However, this should – before long – manage to battle itself back above the Cloud to provide for further gains.
Good trading
Ian Copsey

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