最新!💥 獲取ProPicks查看哪些策略擊敗標普500指數1,183% 領取40%折扣優惠


發布 2016-3-23 上午10:44

A preponderance of lethargy
Ultra-slow development in a structure is one of the most difficult to judge. There are too many mini-minor twists and turns, ups and downs and in my lady’s chamber. At least the direction was consistent and provided gains in the Dollar overall. Even USDJPY managed to take a deep breath and tried to make it back towards last Thursday’s high. I’d like to say with confidence that today could be more progressive… but I can’t. However, we are, at least, approaching the first reversal targets in EURUSD, USDCHF – although GBPUSD still has a way to go.
However… and it’s always good to have one of those “howevers”… a potentially positive outcome was the persistent Dollar gains that have challenged the 4-hour Price Equilibrium Clouds. This has seen tentative steps in attempting to see Dollar bullish breaks of these Clouds. At least, it tends to suggest a positive outcome but the Dollar needs to be a little more feisty to increase any possible acceleration… It’s probably likely that there’ll not be much follow-through until the European session.
Even USDJPY has managed to approach last Thursday’s high and actually helped EURJPY to edge higher – or more in a choppy sideways move. This has seen USDJPY break above the 4-hour Price Equilibrium Cloud and into an unknown. The structure since the 110.97 low is somewhat cryptic but with a daily bullish divergence, along with positive momentum we need see how high this can go. This places EURJPY in a puzzling moment that had been looking slightly bearish but may well suddenly see the structure morph into a more complicated structure. I’d suggest care with the cross with the larger picture suggesting a long, messy sideways move.
Steady Eddie trading again today unless the market suddenly comes alive…
Good trading
Ian Copsey

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